大手前学舎(過去掲載分) , 恩師のいま(過去掲載分)

大手前中高等学校 ベッキー

大手前中高等学校 ベッキー

大手前中高等学校 ベッキー

In July 1997,I arrived in Japan to assume my teaching position with the JET (Japan Exchange & Teaching) Program.

Little did realize that I would still be living here almost six years later.

Yet, after three happy years working in Sakai,I felt unable to say goodbye to Japam,and so I joined Otemon Gakuin Otemae in September 2000.

This past year at Otemon has been an incredibly busy and fulfilling one for me.

With the start of the International Course last April, I have greatly enjoyed teaching the grade junior high school students. They are lively teenagers who show a high level of curiosity towards learning English.

We enjoy talking with each other not only in class, but also during break-times and after school. It has been a pleasure to see the students attempt to strike up conversations with me, even with only one year of English It is this attitude of trying and not being afraid to make mistakes that I hope to foster within all my students.

I am sure that the new school year will bring many bring new challenges and surprises.

I look forward to teaching Otemon students, and learning much from them.

これからも よろしく おねがいします。
